Despised Icon – Paris 2014

Despised_Icon_coverDespised Icon was back in Paris as part of the 2014 reunion tour. They played at the Divan du Monde on April 28th.

The crowd was crazy and well the six piece band is just a killer on stage. Alexandre Erian on screaming with great faces and interactions, Steve Marois on squealing with a huge smile, Eric Jarrin and Ben Landreville on guitars, Sebastien Piché on bass and Alexandre Pelletier on drums play a good deathcore. They are from Montreal, Quebec, Canada, so they could interact with the crowd with their cousin accent, telling us a good deal of fun story that happened each time they were coming to play in Paris. A well rounded set, shame that is only a temporary get back together!!



  1. Furtive Monologue
  2. A Fractured Hand
  3. Day Of Mourning
  4. Sheltered Reminiscence
  5. Bulletproof Scales
  6. Retina
  7. Quarantine
  8. Oval Shaped Incisions
  9. One Last Martini
  10. Sunset Will Never Charm Us
  11. In The Arms Of Perdition
  12. Les Temps Changent
  13. MVP

Thanks to Charly from Hibooking for the pass.

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